Monday, January 19, 2009

A whole new underworld

A friend of mine has opened my eyes to couponing. She clips coupons and saves a ton of money. So, I have decided to join the madness. I am sure up for saving money, especially now that the kids are eating A LOT more. I love the idea of saving money on groceries and being able to spend it elsewhere, like on my new obsession with kitchen gadgets from Williams-Sonoma.

I have spent all day clipping coupons, organizing my coupon holder, and getting ready to head to the store. I hope I will be ready to shop by Wednesday. There are people who walk into the store and walk out with groceries and money from the cashier. They did not have to pay for anything. This takes practice I guess, so I am going to hopefully get there.

So here's to saving money and spending it somewhere else.


Valerie Koop said...

If you can do it, you're my hero! I clip coupons with the best of intentions, but when I go to use them, they are expired.

Unknown said...

Have you heard of ? She was on Oprah a couple months ago and she is this brilliant woman who on average saves 75% off her grocery bill every time she shops! If you go to her website, you can read her advice and print coupons off too. I haven't done it yet . . . but if you do . . . maybe it will be an inspiration. :)

PS - This is posting under Jordan's account because I can't figure out how to post on my own? It's really Linz. I don't think Jordan watches Oprah nor is he interested in a coupon mom!

Destine said...

I have heard of this site, but have not been to it yet. My eyes are open and I am ready to save.

Are you sure Jordan is not into Oprah?:) He could learn alot.