Sunday, February 22, 2009

13 things I know about Christian

1. He has the softest lips when he kisses your check.

2. He loves football!!

3. Christian brings his brother and sister to rolling laughs almost instantly.

4. He loves wrestling.

5. Christian's favorite football team is The Dallas Cowboys.

6. He loves Chipotle.

7. He always orders Coke when we eat out.

8. Believe it or not... he still wants to be a Paleontologist when he grows up.

9. He has blue eyes.

10. He is a ladies man, (you should see all of his contacts on his phone, there are a lot of girls)


12. Well actually he loves any hard rock.

13. At 12:32 PM Christian officially became a teenager.

Happy Birthday Christian!!! I love you so much.

1 comment:

Valerie Koop said...

Happy Birthday Christian!!!!
What is your cell number? I want to call you and talk in person.


Aunt Val