Saturday, June 28, 2008

Date Night

Brian and I decided to venture out to the movies last night on the opening night of Wanted. Well lets just say it was crazy. We tired to catch the 9:45, but it was sold out. How in the world could it have been sold out that late in Douglasville? One of the great unanswered questions of the universe. Anyways, we bought tickets for the next showing which was 10:25. So here we are in the closed mall and ALOT of time to kill.

Finally time to go and get a seat. It was a madhouse, people everywhere. They were actually pushing to get into the theatre. What has this world come too? I could not beleive it. We get in and the theatre fills up fast.

Now about the movie. It was AWESOME. I would recommend anyone going and seeing it. The stunts were really cool. And hello I am a girl. It is an action movie, but ladies it is worth seeing and you can make your man happy at the same time. So I am giving this movie an A+, (get it because I am a teacher, hehe). Go and see it and let me know if you feel the same way.

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