Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Now it feel like summer

We got new deck furniture and love it. We bought from Georgia Backyard. What is neat about this set, is that it is made out of a wood better then teak, it is called Jaharrah wood. It is supposed to do really good in rain, so we are hopeful. I have put the wood protector on it and so we should be good, right? I hope so. The umbrella and seat cushions came from PotteryBarn. I think they all look really good together.

Brian is busy building a platform for the kids to jump into the pool. We have been fighting that stupid thing all summer and now I think we have kicked its butt. The kids went swimming today and had a blast. We bought this robot pool cleaner made by the people who make the romba vacuum. Of course, the kids named it Walle. So Walle is busy keeping the bottom looking good.

Here's to many days enjoying the hot sun in the pool and many nights enjoying a cold beer on the deck. Hope you all are having a fantastic summer.

1 comment:

Valerie Koop said...

I want to come sit on your deck! It looks fabulous.

Miss you guys!