Thursday, July 9, 2009

Vacation 2 days away

We are leaving for our overdue vacation. The kids are so excited to be spending 7 days at the beach. Yes you read correct 7 days away from home and on the beach. My mom is keeping the dogs, which is a huge help, considering sending them to the doggie camp would be 400 dollars and I can think of many more ways to spend that money, so thanks MOM!!!!

The kids and I have been packing and cleaning. It is a huge task to get everyone ready and make sure nothing is left behind. There are the normal clothes, and bathing needs, then they need movies for the drive, IPODS, the Wii and footballs and tennis rackets... the list goes on and on. We have a truck and are worried there will not be enough room. As for me, I have about 3 lists going for different things that need to be done. I think packing for vacation is stressful. Maybe that is just me.

Some things we are planning on doing- parasailing, drinking, jet skiing, dolphin seeing, drinking, going to the Blue Angels practice, did I mention drinking?

When We get back I will post tons of pics and give ya'll the run down on how much fun we had and how tan we are all now.

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